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Who Is Tibetan Pulsing Yoga For, and What Does It Do?

(Simon Rees)

MountainsMost of us need some form of help for our health and wellbeing at some point in our lives, whether we seek it from doctors, healers, friends, family, nature, or ourselves. . . but there are different degrees of cure. Bandaging a cut on the hand is not the same as resolving the emotional trauma of a serious accident, for example.

I could make a list here of the ailments and conditions which Tibetan Pulsing Yoga has helped, some of them severe, but I would rather choose to emphasize that in my view it is better employed as a form of meditation than a form of medicine.

However, this also depends on how we define the phenomena of meditation and medicine, which are not unrelated – and perhaps 'transformation' is one of the best concepts which can bridge the two. For those wishing to start a process of transformation which penetrates to the very deepest levels, triggering a journey of inner growth and self-realization, Tibetan Pulsing Yoga is a technique which can take you there.

Tibetan MonasteryIt uses a system developed centuries ago deep in the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist and Chinese Taoist traditions, in reclusive monasteries up on one of the world’s highest plateaus – a system that must once have been held as one of the most closely-guarded secrets of the East: a way to unlock and understand our ultimate human potential – what is called the sacred Tibetan Bardo experience – through the power of touch, colour and sound.

On a pragmatic note, Tibetan Pulsing Yoga is available through attendance of the courses which take place regularly all over the world.

It is a practice recommended for anyone who wants to do more than just fx their physical ailments and stop there – anyone who has ever felt ready to look within, or who has ever woken up in the morning wondering what life was all about and who they really were. . . or, just as importantly, if they were the person they wanted to be, living the life they wanted to lead.

It is also recommended for all who are interested in Buddhism (although it is not necessary to have any special experience or interest in Buddhism in order to take up Tibetan Pulsing Yoga), or essentially all who like the idea of using precise ancient yoga techniques together with sound, colour and other tools to help the body and mind enter into a deep state of meditation, bliss, inner tranquillity, wisdom and relaxation.

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Sister Sites Maintained as Educational Resources by the Same Authors:

Link to: FCT World - First Prepare Your System for Yoga & Meditation Using the Unique & Powerful System of Medicine called Field Control Therapy   Link to: Key Toxins - Exclusive Articles, Info & Interviews about Toxicity, the World's Most Pressing Issue
Link to: See What Is There - Wide-Ranging Humanitarian Web Resource, of Which Tibetan Pulsing World is Part   Link to: Deep Energy Healing - Resources on Different Therapies, the Nature of Healing and the Future of Medicine

© Copyright 2007 Simon Rees and Tibetan Pulsing World.  

Disclaimer: The information at this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The content of this website comprises only the observations and opinions of the authors and contributors: it does not constitute medical advice to readers.

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